Out of curiosity, I visited the National Practitioner Data Bank's (NPDB) website, and I found the "NPDB Summary Report" at
It is actually a good source of information.
The NPDB Summary Report starts by stating: "The following is a summary of reports submitted and accepted into the NPDB for each professional category. This data covers the period from September 1, 1990 through April 2, 2011. Professional categories which were not available for the entire time period are noted."
Then there is a "Data Disclaimer": Reports of adverse clinical privileges and professional society membership actions against practitioners other than physicians and dentists, (e.g., chiropractors, psychologists, podiatrists) are submitted voluntarily.
I pointed my attention then to the column "LICENSURE,CLINICAL PRIVILEGES, PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP, AND PEER REVIEW ORGANIZATION REPORTS. I chose some categories just to have some idea as to how many individuals in which professions are subjected to that career assassination.
Dentists: 20,239
Nurse Midwife: 94
Nurse Practitioner: 921
Hospital Administrator: 0
Licensed Practical or Vocational Nurse: 78,421
Nurse Anesthetist: 337
Osteopathic Physician (DO): 8,129
Osteopathic Physician Intern/Resident (DO): 153
Physician (MD): 82,683
Physician Intern/Resident (MD): 588
So, the safest on that regards is to be a Hospital Administrator. Interesting. And, being a trainee resident or even an intern is no reason for mercy. Career destruction and elimination based on arbitrary criteria is just the way it is, no matter how junior or advanced in the career someone is.
Breakdown of MD by State, from highest to lowest number of physicians (MDs) whose careers, livelihood have been threatened with career capital punishment.
CA 10,019
NY 6,561
OH 4,414
TX 4,111
FL 3,885
IL 3,647
VA 3,411
PA 3,004
AZ 2,591
MI 2,525
NJ 2,481
GA 2,262
CO 2,088
MA 2,074
MD 2,025
WA 1,877
NC 1,832
KY 1,661
LA 1,399
MO 1,377
TN 1,299
AL 1,152
OR 1,116
IN 1,107
MN 1,021
OK 979
WV 972
SC 958
WI 936
IA 918
CT 897
MS 751
KS 748
NV 606
UT 565
AR 539
NM 523
ME 429
DC 393
NE 381
ND 376
NH 354
AK 343
RI 334
VT 296
ID 285
HI 278
WY 178
DE 164
SD 149
PR 44
Notice that these are raw numbers. To transform those into meaningful statistical values, in the very least I need a denominator. Actually deciding what the denominator should be is not easy. Is it the population of the state? The population of a certain age? The number of practicing MDs? If so, the current number of MD"s, realizing that the data cover from 1990 till 2011, so, which MD population would be used, etc.
Regardless, for someone to become a physician, one endures a lot that is well known to everyone. And not too many really would be willing to pursue that route if they know that more than 90,000 were kicked out. And they were not kicked out by an objective, fair or impartial process, but were eliminated and destroyed by a flawed process that is open for exploitation and abuse, executed by their peers and called the"peer review". There is nothing Holy about it.